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Dátum: 24.02.2020 | Vložil: Zelenamzz

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Dátum: 22.02.2020 | Vložil: Zelenaddw

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Наша компания занимается свыше 10 лет изготовлением памятников из гранита в городе Минске.Основные направления и виды нашей деятельности:

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Dátum: 19.02.2020 | Vložil: Bogdanexb

Добрый день друзья[url=https://stekloelit.by]![/url]
Предлагаем Вашему вниманию изделия из стекла для дома и офиса.Наша организация ООО «СТЕКЛОЭЛИТ» работает 10 лет на рынке этой продукции в Беларуси.
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Dátum: 19.02.2020 | Vložil: Bogdanwwh

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Предлагаем Вашему вниманию изделия из стекла для дома и офиса.Наша организация ООО «СТЕКЛОЭЛИТ» работает 10 лет на рынке этой продукции в Беларуси.
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Dátum: 17.02.2020 | Vložil: Nikolaypui

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How To Prevent Prostate Problems And Diseases?

Dátum: 30.05.2018 | Vložil: Albertmic

The prostate gland is the central section of a male's reproductive :. It secretes fluids that assisted in the transportation and activation of sperm. The prostate gland can be found just as you're watching rectum, below the bladder and around the urethra. When there is prostate problem, it is almost always really miserable and inconvenient for that patient as his urinary system is directly affected.

The common prostate health problems are prostate infection, enlarged prostate and prostate type of cancer.

Prostate infection, also referred to as prostatitis, is easily the most common prostate-related problem in men younger than 55 years of age. Infections in the prostate gland are classified into four types - acute bacterial prostatitis, chronic bacterial prostatitis, chronic abacterial prostatitis and prosttodynia.

Acute bacterial prostatitis could be the least common of all varieties of prostate infection. It is caused by bacteria found in the large intestines or urinary tract. Patients may go through fever, chills, body aches, back pains and urination problems. This condition is treated by making use of antibiotics or non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to alleviate the swelling.

Chronic bacterial prostatitis is a condition associated with a particular defect inside the gland and the persistence presence of bacteria within the urinary tract. It can be brought on by trauma towards the urinary tract or by infections received from the rest of the body. A patient can experience testicular pain, back pains and urination problems. Although it is uncommon, it is usually treated by removal in the prostate defect accompanied by making use antibiotics and NSAIDs to take care of the redness.

Non-bacterial prostatitis makes up about approximately 90% coming from all prostatitis cases; however, researchers have not yet to determine what causes these conditions. Some researchers think that chronic non-bacterial prostatitis occur as a result of unknown infectious agents while other think that intensive exercise and lifting may cause these infections.

Maintaining a Healthy Prostate

To prevent prostate diseases, a suitable diet is important. These are some with the actions you can take to maintain your prostate healthy.

1. Drink sufficient water. Proper hydration is essential for general health and it will also keep the urinary track clean.

2. Some studies claim that a couple of ejaculations a week will assist you to prevent prostate type of cancer.

3. Eat beef in moderation. It has been shown that consuming more than four meals of beef every week will increase the risk of prostate diseases and cancer.

4. Maintain a suitable diet with cereals, vegetable and fruits to ensure sufficient intake of nutrients required for prostate health.

The most important measure to take to make sure a proper prostate is to opt for regular prostate health screening. If you are forty years old and above, you must choose prostate examination at least one time annually.

2 %

Dátum: 19.01.2017 | Vložil: Jan

Dobre vidím, ak nevidím v zozname prijímateľov 2% za rok 2016 organizáciu "Právo na bývanie" ??

bytove nahrady nebudu...

Dátum: 07.10.2016 | Vložil: najomnik

A je to tu. To na co najomnici restituovanych bytov upozornovali pri vzniku zakona 260/2011 sa stalo skutocnostou. Primator pred mediami oznamil, ze v Bratislave sa v do 31.12.2016, teda termine urcenom zakonom, neodovzda ani jedna bytova nahrada. Kedy sa tak stane primator neinformoval.

Utrpenie pokracuje dalej!!!

Čas beží...

Dátum: 01.07.2016 | Vložil: Duško

Z poslednej schôdze členov OZ a z odpovede Mgr.Maruška p. Strakovi, že v žiadnych materiáloch minulého vedenia OZ nebola vyslovená požiadavka na finančné odškodnenie nájomníkov reštituovaných domov(?), som privítal od nového vedenia zverejnenie dotazníku, ktorý ponúka možnosti riešenia problému bytovej náhrady, pričom k súčasnému (a aj v blízkej budúcnosti ) riešeniu mi pripadá najlepšie a najrýchlejšie riešenie uvedené v bode 2. A ešte poznámku k dátumu vysťahovania t.j. 1.1.2017. To je všetko pekné, že majiteľ bude potrebovať súdne rozhodnutie, ale majiteľ vo veci výpovede z nájmu má v rukách všelijaké páky, nebudem ich uvádzať. A vieme ako rýchlo a nezaujate pracujú súdy. A žiť v takejto atmosfére?

Re:Čas beží...

Dátum: 18.07.2016 | Vložil: milan

kde je zverejnený ten dotazník

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